(086) 739 7213 info@margaretbrady.ie

Thoughts & Notions

On psychotherapy, spirituality, dreams and life in general.

Thoughts on change

Thoughts on change

It was the Greek philosopher Heraclitus who said that we can’t step into the same river twice. Constantly in flux, the river is never the same from one second to the next, and neither are we. Our...

Lessons from lockdown

Lessons from lockdown

So, now it really is a lockdown. Despite the Taoiseach preferring to avoid the term, it’s the one we’ve been using in my household since the schools closed on March 12th, and it’s beginning to seem...

Dealing with overwhelm

Dealing with overwhelm

  It’s normal, in today’s world, to live a full life. Increasingly, we have complicated and multi-faceted work lives which may take several forms, as well as commitments to children, parents,...

Finding our teachers

Finding our teachers

  If we follow a spiritual path firmly rooted in everyday life, a path unique in many ways to the experience of each individual, at some point the question of finding a spiritual teacher or...

Everyday Sacred

Everyday Sacred

I came across this article the other day. I wrote it in 2004, at a time when I had just moved home to a grey Dublin January from a sunny country I had loved. I was unsuccessfully jobhunting, and...

Getting started with your dreams

Getting started with your dreams

Often, when I tell people I work with dreams, I hear some variation of ‘I’d love to dream, but I don’t’ or ‘I’m so boring, I never dream’. The happy truth is, dreaming is not just reserved for cool,...

About me

Hi, I’m Margaret. I’m a psychotherapist, soul care guide and dream coach based in Rathmines, Dublin 6.

I work with people who are tired of doing it all, and who want to bring more calm, clarity and connection into their lives.

Find out more about me here.
